Firecracker (2024) is a thrilling British crime drama directed by Andrew Lee Potts, starring himself alongside Katie Sheridan and Jason Flemyng. Set against the backdrop of a chaotic Bonfire Night, the film follows an unlikely trio forced to confront their darkest fears and fight for survival when a heist goes horribly wrong. Trapped in a tense standoff with authorities, they must navigate a dangerous game of cat and mouse while grappling with the consequences of their actions. With its gripping suspense, intense performances, and high-stakes atmosphere, Firecracker promises to be a must-watch for fans of thrilling British cinema.
Actors: Steven Blades, Lovell Anderson, Jason Flemyng
Director: Andrew Lee Potts
IMDB Rating: 4/10
Audience Score: 40%
Tags: Firecracker (2024): Explosive British Crime Thriller, Firecracker movie, British crime drama, Andrew Lee Potts, Katie Sheridan, Jason Flemyng, Bonfire Night, heist, thriller, suspense, action, watch firecracker 2024 online free, download firecracker 2024 for free, buy or rent firecracker 2024, where to watch firecracker
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