

Supacell is a gripping British superhero drama that follows a group of ordinary South London residents who unexpectedly develop extraordinary abilities. As they navigate their newfound powers and the challenges they bring, they must come together to face a common enemy and protect their community. With its blend of action, drama, and social commentary, Supacell offers a fresh take on the superhero genre.

Actors: Tosin Cole, Nadine Mills, Josh Tedeku
Creator: Rapman
IMDB Rating: 7/10
Audience Score: 73%
Tags: Supacell, Superhero series, British drama, Netflix, Action, Drama, Social commentary, South London, Superpowers, New series, Television show, Entertainment, Streaming, Watch online, British television, Superhero genre, Action-adventure, Crime drama, Fantasy, Science fiction,, Best superhero series on Netflix, New British dramas to watch, Action-packed shows to binge-watch, Superpower dramas with a social message, South London-based television series, Watch Supacell online for free, Supacell season 1 release date, cast and characters

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